My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today: 05/28/2017
I get on social media this morning, and so far I see folks acting like children, others announcing friends having life-threatening illnesses and some have left us over night. People life is far too short, and for some, it is getting shorter. LIVE a GREAT LIFE, DO FOR OTHERS, LAUGH, LOVE and DO your VERY BEST. SOME of us may never become that millionaire or billionaire, but OUR JOURNEYS will be PRICELESS.
The older I get, I feel the rage inside of many, and I hear the cries of those yelling through their silence. I am so glad that my illness a few years ago took me away to a beautiful place I know where I am going to. Do you know where your soul will go when your time ends? It depends on you and the journey you choose to walk. The GREAT part is that "MAN" does not give you your keys to the gates of HEAVEN!
What MAN thinks, says or does has no bearing on the choice you make to become the best you possible, leave the prunes where they are; become another Apple in GODS eye.
Anyway, have a blessed Sunday, remember to shine brightly, even when everything and one tried to dim your shine.
C. Maria Wall
I get on social media this morning, and so far I see folks acting like children, others announcing friends having life-threatening illnesses and some have left us over night. People life is far too short, and for some, it is getting shorter. LIVE a GREAT LIFE, DO FOR OTHERS, LAUGH, LOVE and DO your VERY BEST. SOME of us may never become that millionaire or billionaire, but OUR JOURNEYS will be PRICELESS.
The older I get, I feel the rage inside of many, and I hear the cries of those yelling through their silence. I am so glad that my illness a few years ago took me away to a beautiful place I know where I am going to. Do you know where your soul will go when your time ends? It depends on you and the journey you choose to walk. The GREAT part is that "MAN" does not give you your keys to the gates of HEAVEN!
What MAN thinks, says or does has no bearing on the choice you make to become the best you possible, leave the prunes where they are; become another Apple in GODS eye.
Anyway, have a blessed Sunday, remember to shine brightly, even when everything and one tried to dim your shine.
C. Maria Wall