A place to let the silence be heard! Presented by The Wall Foundation Inc.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Ripples of FOCUS meetup CHAT Ladies Night Out 01/30 by HEALing THrough Hurt | Women Podcasts
Original AIRING 9pm ET 1/30/2016
Ripples of FOCUS meetup CHAT Ladies Night Out 01/30 by HEALing THrough Hurt | Women Podcasts:
The Waves are spreading! Join us for this Girls Night Out Chat Valentine's day preparation for singles and those who are in relationships who should be single! Our Mission is to become the Ripples spreading WAVES of Women's Empowerment all over the world. As this project continues to grow we will produce content that will be uplifting, inspiring, empowering and educational as well as full of laughter, tears and encouragement. Because this is a worldwide group we will have both real world and virtual meet ups (webinars, hangouts, classes, etc.) We are are a diverse group with something for 'EVERYone' We are one SISTERhood! 'No matter the shape, size, color or flaws; a diamond is still a diamond.' Shine Brightly My Beautiful Butterflies! Sending WAVES of positive Ripples your way! http://www.meetup.com/F-O-C-U-S-Females-Offering-Clarity-Unity-and-Success-Group/ C. Maria Wall
The Saturday Morning Motivation with C Maria (New Habits) 01/30 by HEALing THrough Hurt | Women Podcasts
The Saturday Morning Motivation with C Maria (New Habits) 01/30 by HEALing THrough Hurt | Women Podcasts:
This week's CHAT is all about a 'LOVING some YOU for YOU' putting yourself first for a change! MAKE this YOUR NEW HABIT 'Valentine's day preparation for singles' Some of us have wanted to make changes for a very long time, your time is now. WE need to work on those things called our S-elf W-orth, E-steem and Transformation. You see on order for us to bring those things back we have to put some work into it we have to S.W.E.A.T (acronym) We have been in our cocoons too long, to time to break free like the butterfly; spread our wings and FLY! WHO IS WITH ME? IF you want to invest in YOU, I want to say READY, SET, LETS GROW! C. Maria Wall www.cmariawall.com
Summary: Stay away from the Tainted testerone and rotten cotten! Learn to date and love yourself before you find yourself settling for any and every thing! It is OK to be single 365 days of the year especially on that day we call Valentine!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Life Without Living
Life Without Living
Something was weighing on my spirit today so I thought I
would share. I have spoken about this
issue many times; there are people who are born on this earth who exists for
years then die without living one day of the precious gift called “LIFE”
Make a promise to yourself to make a difference in some way
every day because that difference is what makes life worth living; it gives us
life. Do something for someone else
without expectation. Make your life
As the old saying goes, “in the end would you like people to
talk about how you died OR how you LIVED?”
Each new moment is truly the first day of the rest of our
lives. Maybe the saying should be that
today is the first day of you living if you choose to do so!
Make every second count; make sure every breath you take is
inhaled with passion and exhaled with purpose.
Friday, January 15, 2016
The One Night Stand!
This week’s F.O.C.U.S
The One Night Stand
Something for the single beaus and belles!
For just one night Stand alone, sleep alone, be alone; get a
great night’s sleep.
Wake up with the new realization it is OK to be alone.
When we realize this it will become easier to
have more of those “ONE” night stands.
Light some candles /turn down the lights, enjoy your favorite genre of
music, pour a glass of your favorite beverage, make yourself a great meal and
enjoy papering you; at least you will/ should not be disappointed or have any
regrets later!
For just one night take a stand; make a promise to yourself
that you will not settle for just another warm body in your cold bed. Stand up and know your NO enough to say “NO”
Put the one you see in the mirror in your number “ONE” spot
and enjoy dating yourself for just one night; stand.
My 2 Cents of Cerebral
C. Maria Wall
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Friday, January 8, 2016
Leaving HOME
The Daily FOCUS for today: Leaving Home
Many of us continue to align ourselves with people and
things within our comfort zones. If we
stay within what feels safe to us, we fail to see all that awaits on the other
side of our leaps of faith. Do not be
afraid to leave home; go outside of the yard walk down the street around the
corner. You may be surprised what you find
waiting for you.
We tend to marry / work for comfort, but comfort leads to
complacency, acceptance and settling. Do
what you are afraid to do; LIVE!
One of my greatest fears is killing the house sized spiders
with hair that infested my home, I used to think they knew I was afraid that is
why they took up residence at my place.
I had to do what I was not comfortable doing; I bought the longest broom
I could find and I went on the defense!
Life is much like my spider encounter, in order to live truly we must do
what frightens us the most. Leave Home,
that thing called our comfort zone.
C. Maria Wall
Saturday, January 2, 2016
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