Thursday, May 29, 2014

Do not JUDGE me!

And you cannot understand or know my reasoning if you listen to the explanations of someone who has explanations of my life based on their own selfish interest! 

The Morning Mind Motivation! 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Be Careful how you Speak to Yourself!

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today!

Take everyone out of the equation, every thought, every joke every negative works ever aimed at you.

YOU have to talk to the person you see in the mirror and get everything out everything you have been convinced is wrong with that person.

Once you are able to stand up to hearing the negative from yourself you will be able to stand up to it and move one when others speak it into your life!

The words of others only have power when you give it to them!  The words you speak to yourself can build or destroy you!

C. Maria Wall
Healing Through Hurt i-Talk Radio Presented by The Wall Foundation Inc.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Life GOES ON! So Live it...

I just discovered that I can count the people who knew exactly what my silence was saying and my im okay's meant on one hand :/ wow... OK Life goes on and I am going to live it!!!

REGISTRATION is still open for The Marathon of Hope Kingdom Movement

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Mid-day Mind Massage!

I have come across quite a few experts in the fields of lies!
These people have managed to convince themselves they have everyone fooled by their deceptions.

Remember what you do in the dark always manages to find its way into the light; here have some more rope I will just sit here on this beautiful bright sunny day and sip on my tall glass of KARMA!

As I watch you and your liquid lies flow down the river of self destruction!  I realize those this applies to will never believe it is about them while those who are blinded by the lies that slip from the deceivers lips could never fathom these words apply to anyone they think are sent by GOD himself!

Because many people would rather exist in their world of delusion than live a life of truth!

Mid-Day Mind Massage
A Series by
C. Maria Wall

Monday, May 5, 2014

Maria's Titanium Tid Bit #17 (Marathon of Hope Kingdom Movement Trailer)

Charged by GOD to take our words to the people and change the world!
Not Victims
Women of Faith
Best Friends
Spirit Filled
Women of Wisdom and Worth
Never Going to Give Up on YOU!
Story Tellers of Hope
WE are the Women of The Marathon of Home Kingdom Movement