Daily F.O.C.U.S for today (12/24/2015) and beyond:
SOLO has you feeling SO LOW
This is
the Holiday season and many cannot stand being alone during the festive
seasons. This leads to many mistakes that can lead to years if not a lifetime
to heartache and un-intentional or expected setbacks and road blocks.
to come home safely and soundly; have the meal you enjoy then plan a night you
will enjoy your way. MAN makes us feel
like we are not completed without a significant other; we need to lean how to
enjoy being alone before we can appreciate having that special someone truly! Take this season to work on your new reasons,
hopes, joys, passions and more.
If you
are that cold in your bed GET MORE BLANKETS or INVEST in an ELECTRIC ONE! How about a plush onesie?
If being
out among all of the happy people makes you feel depressed, remember this. Not all that glitters is gold and not every
smile is genuine. It is OK to be a
single Belle or Beau!