A place to let the silence be heard! Presented by The Wall Foundation Inc.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Monday, July 17, 2017
Laugh at your mistakes then keep it moving!
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today 07/17/2017
The Power of laughing at one's mistakes and moving on. So yesterday I decided to turn in my essay homework early which is something I never do, but I had looked at it for days and thought what the heck turn it in then enjoy my day. Needless to say, my professor must be waiting by the computer for something to come in over the weekend she graded it and sent it back and oh good lord she docked me by a point because I omitted the most significant charge. I omitted the charge of attempted murder.
I had to laugh because after all of that reviewing and re reviewing I never noticed that I had not included the most significant offense. So I brushed my ego off and moved on to do the extra credit which I received a perfect score on so I redeemed myself.
The struggle in Law School is real!
I wrote this to say that even the mentor, teacher, motivator, mediator and whatever title you choose to attach to me, even I have off days but I know I have to keep moving because tomorrow is waiting for my arrival to make greater things happen or to get something right that was wrong prior.
Keep moving people, just keep moving tomorrow is waiting for you with open arms. :)
C. Maria Wall
The Power of laughing at one's mistakes and moving on. So yesterday I decided to turn in my essay homework early which is something I never do, but I had looked at it for days and thought what the heck turn it in then enjoy my day. Needless to say, my professor must be waiting by the computer for something to come in over the weekend she graded it and sent it back and oh good lord she docked me by a point because I omitted the most significant charge. I omitted the charge of attempted murder.
I had to laugh because after all of that reviewing and re reviewing I never noticed that I had not included the most significant offense. So I brushed my ego off and moved on to do the extra credit which I received a perfect score on so I redeemed myself.
The struggle in Law School is real!
I wrote this to say that even the mentor, teacher, motivator, mediator and whatever title you choose to attach to me, even I have off days but I know I have to keep moving because tomorrow is waiting for my arrival to make greater things happen or to get something right that was wrong prior.
Keep moving people, just keep moving tomorrow is waiting for you with open arms. :)
C. Maria Wall
Monday, June 5, 2017
No WE Do Not!
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today: 06/05/2017
No we do not!
Not everything I do is on social media.
I do not inform social media of the conversations I have with everyone.
I do not air my laundry dirty or clean on social media
When I am hurting I certainly do not ask for help on social media.
I could go on but I believe many of you understand where I am coming from.
Social media with all of its great point have folks utilizing it for pointless means. Social Media allows many to become what they are inside really.
Many only care what you are doing so that they and either out do you or pray that you fall.
Some want to know who you are connected do so that they can name drop themselves into a spot in the main dining hall.
Others are waiting to see if your relationships are in turmoil so that they can step into your shoes; in some cases on a "more permanent" basis.
the ones closes to us will be the main sources reveling in your pain and dancing in your tear like a beautiful dance in the rain.
Lesson for today: Keep your friends, family, frenemies and others out of your business, personal and professional. Only the worth should be allowed in your private corners and spaces.
My 2 Cents of Cerebral
C. Maria Wall
No we do not!
Not everything I do is on social media.
I do not inform social media of the conversations I have with everyone.
I do not air my laundry dirty or clean on social media
When I am hurting I certainly do not ask for help on social media.
I could go on but I believe many of you understand where I am coming from.
Social media with all of its great point have folks utilizing it for pointless means. Social Media allows many to become what they are inside really.
Many only care what you are doing so that they and either out do you or pray that you fall.
Some want to know who you are connected do so that they can name drop themselves into a spot in the main dining hall.
Others are waiting to see if your relationships are in turmoil so that they can step into your shoes; in some cases on a "more permanent" basis.
the ones closes to us will be the main sources reveling in your pain and dancing in your tear like a beautiful dance in the rain.
Lesson for today: Keep your friends, family, frenemies and others out of your business, personal and professional. Only the worth should be allowed in your private corners and spaces.
My 2 Cents of Cerebral
C. Maria Wall
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Do You Know Where You are Going?
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today: 05/28/2017
I get on social media this morning, and so far I see folks acting like children, others announcing friends having life-threatening illnesses and some have left us over night. People life is far too short, and for some, it is getting shorter. LIVE a GREAT LIFE, DO FOR OTHERS, LAUGH, LOVE and DO your VERY BEST. SOME of us may never become that millionaire or billionaire, but OUR JOURNEYS will be PRICELESS.
The older I get, I feel the rage inside of many, and I hear the cries of those yelling through their silence. I am so glad that my illness a few years ago took me away to a beautiful place I know where I am going to. Do you know where your soul will go when your time ends? It depends on you and the journey you choose to walk. The GREAT part is that "MAN" does not give you your keys to the gates of HEAVEN!
What MAN thinks, says or does has no bearing on the choice you make to become the best you possible, leave the prunes where they are; become another Apple in GODS eye.
Anyway, have a blessed Sunday, remember to shine brightly, even when everything and one tried to dim your shine.
C. Maria Wall
I get on social media this morning, and so far I see folks acting like children, others announcing friends having life-threatening illnesses and some have left us over night. People life is far too short, and for some, it is getting shorter. LIVE a GREAT LIFE, DO FOR OTHERS, LAUGH, LOVE and DO your VERY BEST. SOME of us may never become that millionaire or billionaire, but OUR JOURNEYS will be PRICELESS.
The older I get, I feel the rage inside of many, and I hear the cries of those yelling through their silence. I am so glad that my illness a few years ago took me away to a beautiful place I know where I am going to. Do you know where your soul will go when your time ends? It depends on you and the journey you choose to walk. The GREAT part is that "MAN" does not give you your keys to the gates of HEAVEN!
What MAN thinks, says or does has no bearing on the choice you make to become the best you possible, leave the prunes where they are; become another Apple in GODS eye.
Anyway, have a blessed Sunday, remember to shine brightly, even when everything and one tried to dim your shine.
C. Maria Wall
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Stop believing it is rain!
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today: 05/24/2017
STOP allowing people to pour and dump on you then convince you that it is rain when it looks like brown chunks!
Just "My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today
C. Maria Wall
STOP allowing people to pour and dump on you then convince you that it is rain when it looks like brown chunks!
Just "My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today
C. Maria Wall
Monday, May 15, 2017
This is long over due!
Some folks need to grow up
Others need to wise up
Still more need to show up
Even more need to stand up
Those who choose to keep complaining and messing up
Need to have a seat and shut the hell up!
WE may not realize it but there are many watching what we say and or do. Those folks may not say anything to you personally but they have much to say when things hit the fan or after a tragedy happens.
GET it TOGETHER people!
Just my 2 Cents of Cerebral
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Sharing the Shine!
Something to think about:
When you have been there for others even in the midst of your own storms you will learn who would do the same when you find yourself on the receiving end.
When people show their true selves, believe they are exactly who they portray to be. All is well when they are receiving what you are giving even when you have little to give. When they have little to give you are on your own because they chose to keep what they had for themselves.
It is OK to walk away and never look back because someone is out there waiting for you to be their new beacon who will appreciate the light you bring to their dark world. Many will be willing to share the shine when they see your light dimming!
My 2 Cents of Cerebral
C. Maria Wall
FOCUS Women's Global Conference October 6-8, 2017
When you have been there for others even in the midst of your own storms you will learn who would do the same when you find yourself on the receiving end.
When people show their true selves, believe they are exactly who they portray to be. All is well when they are receiving what you are giving even when you have little to give. When they have little to give you are on your own because they chose to keep what they had for themselves.
It is OK to walk away and never look back because someone is out there waiting for you to be their new beacon who will appreciate the light you bring to their dark world. Many will be willing to share the shine when they see your light dimming!
My 2 Cents of Cerebral
C. Maria Wall
FOCUS Women's Global Conference October 6-8, 2017
Monday, March 27, 2017
Dear Diary 03/27/2017 It does not hurt anymore
Dear Diary: 03/27/2017
As I was driving home today noticing how beautiful it was outside, I had a moment of brilliant clarity. I realized that it does not hurt anymore. I have been lied on, called all types of names. People have attacked me based on lies and manipulations, but I realized that none of that matters anymore. Walking away was the best decision I could have made thank the good LORD for showing me the next door to walk through.
The interesting part is that I do not miss anyone. Those meant to be in my life are, and those who have used me as their excuse are not. So to those who forsake, disrespected, lied to and on and prayed not for but against me. I forgive you, and I love you, but I cannot be in your world.
To those who take the time to read this, I am not without sin and mistakes; none of us are but I never deserved the treatment I have put up with for 53 years. So today is my day to say I sleep well at night and I know where my soul will go in the end. GOD put each and every person who has brought the fire to my door in my life to bring me to this very moment. I got the help I needed, and I am not afraid to admit it.
My statement describes how freedom feels!
I am C. Maria Wall
As I was driving home today noticing how beautiful it was outside, I had a moment of brilliant clarity. I realized that it does not hurt anymore. I have been lied on, called all types of names. People have attacked me based on lies and manipulations, but I realized that none of that matters anymore. Walking away was the best decision I could have made thank the good LORD for showing me the next door to walk through.
The interesting part is that I do not miss anyone. Those meant to be in my life are, and those who have used me as their excuse are not. So to those who forsake, disrespected, lied to and on and prayed not for but against me. I forgive you, and I love you, but I cannot be in your world.
To those who take the time to read this, I am not without sin and mistakes; none of us are but I never deserved the treatment I have put up with for 53 years. So today is my day to say I sleep well at night and I know where my soul will go in the end. GOD put each and every person who has brought the fire to my door in my life to bring me to this very moment. I got the help I needed, and I am not afraid to admit it.
My statement describes how freedom feels!
I am C. Maria Wall
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Do Not Return The Favor!
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today: 03/26/2017
Do not return the favor!
They say that 'hurt people; hurt people" this only makes another wounded person. We need to either try to understand the side of our opponent or we can only say a prayer and walk away. Walking away may not be the likely choice, but it may be the best option.
C. Maria Wall
Do not return the favor!
They say that 'hurt people; hurt people" this only makes another wounded person. We need to either try to understand the side of our opponent or we can only say a prayer and walk away. Walking away may not be the likely choice, but it may be the best option.
C. Maria Wall
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
The Cobra and the Mongoose
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today 03/22/2017
Cobra and the Mongoose
Today is all about real talk! Get what you want out of it.
A mongoose is not intimidated by the cobra’s title.
By C. Maria wall
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today 03/21/2017
Many of us remain in a broken and/or bitter state
because we internalize our feelings, we do not let things out of our hearts,
spirits and souls. Some people are still
holding on to hurts from years ago. Time
to let it go, life is too short to keep the pain inside to eat away at your
very existence. Your body is a temple,
not a place for your disappointments, heartaches and hurts to use as a buffet.
Time to LET IT OUT!
C. Maria Wall
Monday, March 20, 2017
Lessons Learned!
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today: 03/20/2017
Lesson Learned!
This is a simple message today. You see many of us do not understand the art
of learning our lessons in life. If we
do not learn the lessons the universe sends to us, the universe will continue
to send us back to class. One must
remember everything in life happens for a reason. The events may be to teach us something or to
make us stronger to prepare for what is to come. Sometimes the lessons are to show us that it
is not about us; we need to change something else! Once we “get it” we must be mindful not to
repeat the mistakes or series of events again.
If we do, we will go back to school and be seated in the back of the
C. Maria Wall
Sunday, March 19, 2017
There can be 1 only
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for 03/18/2017
I am a huge fan of sci-fi everything!
There is a series of movies where the tagline is "there can be only one." Those movies and books that deal with space-time continuum let us know that two entities cannot exist in the same space at the same time. Therefore we cannot live in the same place at the same time being both happy and sad or courageous and afraid.
We must decide which road we are willing to take; without fear. We can choose to be content in the place of beautiful lies, heartache and pain or we can choose to take the road uncharted. Only you can decided when enough is enough really. Tell you what, if you promise to keep putting one foot in front of the other, I promise to walk with you. This is not a journey for anyone to take alone. Ready, set, let's go and grow!
Talk Show (suppression is not part of our progression)
C. Maria Wall
I am a huge fan of sci-fi everything!
There is a series of movies where the tagline is "there can be only one." Those movies and books that deal with space-time continuum let us know that two entities cannot exist in the same space at the same time. Therefore we cannot live in the same place at the same time being both happy and sad or courageous and afraid.
We must decide which road we are willing to take; without fear. We can choose to be content in the place of beautiful lies, heartache and pain or we can choose to take the road uncharted. Only you can decided when enough is enough really. Tell you what, if you promise to keep putting one foot in front of the other, I promise to walk with you. This is not a journey for anyone to take alone. Ready, set, let's go and grow!
Talk Show (suppression is not part of our progression)
C. Maria Wall
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Truth or Consequences!
Truth or Consequences: 03/15/2017
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today.
Many of us have become accustomed to living in the world of lies rather than dealing with inconvenient truths. Amazing how some have answer for the problems in the lives of all around but experience oblivion in their lives. There are many reasons people choose to live their lives with heads stuck in the sand. Living lies becomes an easy reality to avoid doing the hard things that need to be done; it is better to settle for a life of beautiful lies instead of addressing the ugly truths.
One thing is for certain, everyone comes face to face with their truths at some point in life. Many are so used to living in that beautiful place full of lies, they tend to ignore what is right in front of them. No matter how hard one tries either the truth will catch up or a person will work extra hard to keep eluding it day after day and year after year until time runs out.
The TRUTH may hurt but with any wound it will hurt before it HEALS! The choice is ours to live in that beautiful place full of lies, deceptions, heartache and pain or we can face the hurts and move towards HEALing. Time for the sheeple to become people again. WAKE up, STAND up, and STEP up. We can do this together.
C. Maria Wall
My 2 Cents of Cerebral for today.
Many of us have become accustomed to living in the world of lies rather than dealing with inconvenient truths. Amazing how some have answer for the problems in the lives of all around but experience oblivion in their lives. There are many reasons people choose to live their lives with heads stuck in the sand. Living lies becomes an easy reality to avoid doing the hard things that need to be done; it is better to settle for a life of beautiful lies instead of addressing the ugly truths.
One thing is for certain, everyone comes face to face with their truths at some point in life. Many are so used to living in that beautiful place full of lies, they tend to ignore what is right in front of them. No matter how hard one tries either the truth will catch up or a person will work extra hard to keep eluding it day after day and year after year until time runs out.
The TRUTH may hurt but with any wound it will hurt before it HEALS! The choice is ours to live in that beautiful place full of lies, deceptions, heartache and pain or we can face the hurts and move towards HEALing. Time for the sheeple to become people again. WAKE up, STAND up, and STEP up. We can do this together.
C. Maria Wall
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