Sunday, November 28, 2010

Women are guilty too!!!

There have been so many times that men have approached me in a defensive way once they hear about my mission and internet talk radio show.  The very first words past introductions are " WELL we men get abused too"  Never have I not acknowledged this fact.  Matter of fact I make that clear on almost every show.  The problem is that men are not willing to come forward with their pain.  The public persona that MEN are supposed to be touch and rugged has diminished the chances of this type of pain ever coming to the forefront.  To all of the man out there living in silence I say you too need to let it go and let your voice be heard this no shame is speaking aloud the shame comes in the fact that one will not allow ones self to be love and cherished the way we are meant to be.  I say I am sorry on behalf of all of the hurt people who are hurting other people.  AS a woman I do acknowledge that we are not without sin and my next post will focus on the legal system and how it is a double edged sword truly working against each side equally depending on the involved parties.  Domestic Violence is still an issue many people tend to ignore or not want to take seriously enough to deal with adequately.  Let me know your thoughts on this inadequate attention.

Healing Through Hurt Talk Radio

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tell me your story be a guest on My show

I want to hear your story, good or bad and you may get the chance to tell it to the masses on my internet talk radio show. WE welcome all involved parties to write in and be our guest to talk out the issues and pain.  I have learned so much from my own show that words cannot express how this has helped me to heal.. Neither me or my listeners are here to pass judgment this is just a place for you to let go some what is hurting you from the inside out.  I look forward to hearing your stories.

subjects include but have not been limited to the following:

family issues
domestic violence of all forms
Much More!!

2011 Healing Through Hurt Womens Retreat

Since the 2010 first annual Womens Summit for domestic violence prevention was such a success I decided to host a weekend retreat in 2011 for all women, young & old, mothers with their daughters to come together to relax and release while discovering common bonds with one another to learn just how similar our lives may be.  If you care to share a suggestion for such an event please let me know.  I would like to have a place where we could have quite a few activities to choose from including some type of spa.  So please give me your suggestions. I will have some of my previous show guest as speakers while enjoying healing sessions through activities and meditation.  Send me your suggestions or a wish list of where you would like to visit.  Please note we are a faith based community 501 (c)(3) non profit we are not going to any gambling sites as many of us may come back feeling worse if we do not win!! =o)  So I look forward to hearing your suggestions.  This will be age friendly for our young and old alike..

When to hold and when to fold that is todays question

This message is for my fellow sisters out there who are still holding on to the hurtful relationship!  If you have never heard my internet talk radio show you need to check it out because I have had so many guest who even I could relate to that it still amazes me.  I am hear to say that *You ARE NOT Alone*  you are not the only one going through your ordeal and it does not necessarily have to be between you and an intimate partner; it could be between you and a friend or family member like a mother or father who you just cannot seem to make anything work with.  Today I emphasis is on the intimate partner no matter the sex or whether you are married, shacking or dating if your partner is causing you any type of pain now is the time for you to decide if you will stay or take that leap of faith and walk into a brand new unknown & uncharted world to begin anew.  My final divorce hearing is coming up very soon and I am still healing from the pain my soon to be ex husband inflicted on me and to think some of the women he was cheating with have the audacity to tall me the *bitch* although I realized he was not worth the air he was breathing and I never said one word to these women but they were quick to attack me on this bums behalf unknowing he was playing several of them at the same time.  My husband destroyed me financially, physically and to a degree for a moment mentally.  But I am here today to say to all of you in this type of toxic environment to * GET OUT* of it ASAP!  My husband did not break my faith or spirit and like the old saying goes " what goes around.....  "  These women including the neighbor who is over 40 living in her mommy and daddy's house creeping with married men can have him because nothing with nothing is??? yep you guessed it *nothing* I knew I was worth more than constant berating, belittling and worse of all Marital Rape and he always had justification for it.  The neighbor told him I was gay so he raped me to prove his dominance.  I would not put his name on my house or truck I had before we married so I was raped for that and he would not put his hand on me to hit me he just threw things at me and broke major appliances in the house and took my vehicle and hit my car with my truck then swore he did not do it.  If you want to know who he is because he is a predator that targets older women in their sixties or lonely women in their forties on usually in the Maryland and Virginia areas.  He loves to target so called *christian women* or those who claim to be then once they meet them they are ready for give up more than the holy ghost.  * DISCLAIMER* I am not saying all Christian women are this way but the ones with the * RAGING WHOREmoans* know who they are and what I  am saying.

I am looking for new people to feature on my talk radio show, I want to hear your story and you can here more of mine and those of so many others on healing through hurt talk radio.  Secondly I want to hear from the abusers tell me / us why you do or did what you did I want to get into your world and look at things through your eyes and mind.

I made it though but I know there are so many others who are still living, sitting and crying in the shadows of silence.