Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My new "Dear Diary Collection" for My Two Cents of Cerebral

Dear Diary,

I decided to follow many of my friends suggestions and not step up my game or even attempt to better myself so that I can stand out from the crowd.

Instead I chose to wait on the LORD, DESTINY and the WIND to send me my perfect man.

I have come to the not so shocking conclusion that maybe just maybe I have made a bad decision; my friends are still single and I am still waiting!

The good part is that I have been waiting for him for so long I have  lost weight without even trying! (bonus)

To make sure I am presentable when he shows up I keep my make-up fresh!  So in case you have forgotten me LORD, I am still sitting in my house waiting for destiny and the wind to guide him to my front door. I sure hope he comes soon!


O M G WAKE UP LADIES No one has ever achieved anything by sitting still! Add the fact misery loves what? Company!

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral
Photo: Die Old but Die Glamorously
artist unk

If you are not a rug or floor, stop allowing people to walk over you!

Good Morning SUN-SHines time to get cracking! 
Here is my Personal Quote of the day and the Poster pick of the morning!

"If you are not a floor or rug, stop allowing everyone to walk over you."

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral

Monday, July 29, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today 07/29/2013: A Must Read!


I thought I would share this verse I found; it sums up my two cents for today best!

1 John 2:19 NIV

"They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us."

Ladies and Gentleman if a man or woman walks away from you without explanation or cause let them go.  Their time with you is over and they were not meant to be in your life forever; whatever experience or lesson you needed to learn was shown now you can let them go.

They made up their minds to leave, now you need to make up your mind not to try to make them stay!  Everyone wants someone to share their life with at some point, even I want the right person in my life.  What I am not willing to do is to hold on to someone who does not want to hold on to me.   The pain of losing someone you thought would have been your forever is temporary, but holding on to someone who wants to be free is an eternal torment!

Just MY Two Cents of Cerebral!

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral

A diamond is not a diamond when it is from the bubble gum machine!

I have lived in silence my entire life, time to bring the noise!

It is 349 a.m. and my day has begun!  I thought I might as well hit the ground running with my personal quote and the poster pick of the morning:

"The very people many perceive to be diamonds in the rough are nothing more than plastic gems from the bubble gum machine."

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Poster pick of the day and my personal inspirational quote!

Good Morning SUN-Shines here is my Poster pick of the day and my personal inspirational quote!

"Time for weeding and planting new seedlings! Sometimes we just need to let go of anything and one who is not in our lives for all of the right reasons!"

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today: 07/27/2013

By Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio


"I would rather quench my thirst with a warm cup of TRUTH than a tall glass filled with Liquid LIES!"

How many of us prefer hearing sweet little lies instead of the larger truths?  No matter how you look up the word lie it still have the same meaning, it is not the truth!  Do you really think that saying I love you a little bit is any different from I love you with full knowledge it is not the truth?

I have said this before that I would rather know an honest liar because I know what to expect from them; love is not on that list of expectations.  If your partner or potential partner disappears or walks away without expectation, do NOT chase after them.  That is their cowardly way of telling you they do not want to be bothered anymore.

Stop trying to make people say or prove they love you; they will say it just to shut you up, again another lie!

Let me end with one of my favorite quotes:

"I would rather quench my thirst with a warm cup of TRUTH than a tall glass filled with Liquid LIES!"

Maria Wall
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/25/2013: Are, Follow, Wear or LOVE

My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/25/2013:

Are, Follow, wear or LOVE

The other day I was making my regular commute home and happened to get caught behind a horse trailer; I was inspired to think about how many people are just like what I had to look at for several miles in the back of this open trailer.

If you are one- Get right and change your ways. Nothing worse than being "BEHIND" your entire life.

If you are following one- You have nowhere to go but down and eventually you will end up in a pile of you know what because where there is bad leadership the mess always rolls downhill.

If you are in love with one- That makes two of you!

IF you are wearing part of it on your head- invest in it! At least you can get a return on your investments.

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
HEALing With Maria Life Coaching

My Two Cents of Cerebral and MY Poster Pick of the day! 07/25/2013

My Personal Quote of the day and the Poster pick of the Morning!

"The only thing in life you should expect is the unexpected when you take the one you love for granted; there will always be someone waiting in the shadows to wipe away the tears and show her/him how special they are really."

Maria W. 
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Best Accessory Ladies will ever need!

LADIES, "HIGH SELF ESTEEM is the best accessory you can wear 24-7; 365! Although it is priceless, it cost you nothing but belief in yourself."

 Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral ;o)

The Foundation Daily For 07/24/2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Real Man

A real man will not change after he has you!

If he changes on you, EX-CHANGE him!

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today: CHOICES!

"My success, my heartache,My failures, my healing are all my CHOICE. I point the finger to no one but the person I see in the mirror. Others may have helped facilitate, but the choice to take responsibility for my role then move on is MINE and MINE alone!"

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
The Wall Foundation Inc.

My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/23/2013

Good Morning again SUN-shines here is my Poster pick of the morning and of course my Personal Motivational Quote of the day!

"Lies about you only become TRUTH when you start to believe them.  Once you believe you become all that is negative and unhealthy.  You know who you are and what you stand for; allowing others to dictate your fate, life, happiness and destiny will lead to self hatred and destruction."  STAND FIRM TO YOUR CONVICTIONS and BE YOUR OWN TRUTH ALWAYS! 

Maria W.
My Two Cents of Cerebral
HEALing THrough Hurt i-talk Radio
The Wall Foundation Inc.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/21/2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today: 07/21/2013

When a woman tells you she is unhappy you say she is nagging. 
When she start to cry uncontrollably you say she is being a bitch.
When the crying and talking stops you say she is about to go psycho.
When she starts to get a life of her own just like you have done she is a whore!
Now you see it in writing so it will not come as a surprise when she kicks your ass out the font door!

We LADIES tend to allow more than 9 innings each with 3 strikes but there comes a time when the game has to be ended!

YOU HAD PLENTY OF WARNINGS and TIME to make things right! Sooner or later there will come a time when she will have her freedom and you will be alone on that night!

Maria Wall
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/20/2013 Ex Cineribus Resurgam

"With each passing moment we may face another challenge, some we may win wile others we lose.  How we handle our defeats will define our destiny! Sometimes we have to let go of things we thought we could not live without; we may die a little inside!  But we will be rejuvenated and reborn stronger and wiser, better prepared to carry on!" 
Ex Cineribus Resurgam! We will Rise from the Ashes! 

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
The Wall Foundation Inc.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Foundation Daily for today 07/19/2013

Stop being a Convenience!

Good Morning SUNshines! here is my motivational Quote of the day and the poster pick of the morning! 

"Sometimes we get so hung up in helping and pleasing others that we do not realize that we have become a convenience instead of a privilege! Know your worth; know when someone does not see or appreciate it!"

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio
My Two Cents of Cerebral

Thursday, July 18, 2013

At Least I know where an Honest Enemy Stands! My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/18/2013

Good Morning here is My Morning Motivational Quote of the day and the poster pick of the morning!

" I would rather deal with an honest enemy than a fake friend or family member"

Maria W.
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Something to think about!

Sometimes people make the decision to enter into a relationship with a rolling stone! The key word being "rolling" why sit on the side of a hill with an unstable boulder? Sooner or later the land will give way and the rock will roll away! No matter how you look at it, you are in a losing situation.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Cowards Creed is a Dirty Deed 07/13 by Healing Through Hurt | Blog Talk Radio

The Cowards Creed is a Dirty Deed 07/13 by Healing Through Hurt | Blog Talk Radio

When A coward kills a womans soul in a relationship it is a pain worse than death itself! 
 How does one wake up and look at the person they see in the mirror with full knowledge that the person plans on using, excusing and abusing the love of another?  If you look at the person you see in the mirror with pride and dignity that shows just how flawed you are.  It takes two strong people to work extremely hard to keep a relationship solid, but add someone with cowardice tendencies in the equation and the tainted trust is a bond that is not repaired easily once broken.  Think before you enter the arena because sooner or later you will be the one being played; a better rival is always lurking in the shadows to make the predator their new prey! KARMA will come for repayment sooner than you may think!

Friday, July 12, 2013

My Cerebral Quote Pick of the Day!

This applies to women as well!  How does one wake up and look at the person they see in the mirror with full knowledge that the person plans on using, excusing and abusing the love of another?  If you look at the person you see in the mirror with pride and dignity that shows just how flawed you are.  It takes two strong people to work extremely hard to keep a relationship solid, but add someone with cowardice tendencies in the equation and the tainted trust is a bond that is not repaired easily once broken.  Think before you enter the arena because sooner or later you will be the one being played; a better rival is always lurking in the shadows to make the predator their new prey! KARMA will come for repayment sooner than you may think!

Maria Wall
Certified Professional Life Coach
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

5 Reasons Women Betray Each Other

It's often the first weapon women use against one another. Watch as relationship expert Iyanla Vanzant runs through the reasons betrayal is so common in female relationships.

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today 07/12/2013 Walking to Nowhere!

"Many will go through their entire lives moving, yet never reaching any destination or goal."

Maria Wall

HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for Today 07/11/2013:

The perfection you demand in others will not fix the imperfections within you!
The disappointment is not from the fact that you do not find the perfection you seek, the problem is that you do not have the will to face and fix your own imperfections.  Therefore disappointment will continue to be your next door neighbor and best friend!

Maria Wall

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Marriage is more than a piece of paper!

So you have made it to the alter but that is not the end of your work! In order to keep the marriage strong you have to remember a few things: 

Laugh at yourself and each other
Respect your differences and so much more.. 
Marriage is more than than pretty piece of paper!

The mid-day thought: Just remember you are the master of your destiny! If you welcome defeat, defeat will come to you so why not welcome victory and positive energy?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today 07/09/2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today 07/09/2013

"I could go about my day based on how I am feeling right now; I have made the choice to make this the best day possible instead."

Claim your victory!
No one can rob you of your smile unless you allow them to.

Maria Wall
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for Today 07/08/2013

Know Your Limits!
Ladies we have seen this in the reverse so I thought I would put up a reminder from a female perspective so take NOTE!

IF you are going to DRINK, KNOW YOUR LIMITS!

Enough said!
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

I do not recall sharing my story here before but here are some links to the stories of my HELL!

My guest Interview with Dr. Larsharnda Beckwith,+2012&file=112412

One of the many voice mails my ex left for me HE used to call me an animal on many occasions! 

I used it as an original PSA for my internet talk radio show
 HEALing  THrough Hurt
I do not look too badly to be a SILVER BACK GORILLA! DO I? 

Sometimes it is the little things that mean the most!

Good Morning, I pray you a wonderful day and remember you are one of GODS precious GEMS on this earth. NEVER forget your GREATNESS!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/07/2013

"A day without forgiveness, compassion and laughter is a day not lived"

Maria Wall
HEALing THrough Hurt i-Talk Radio

Sunday Morning Meditation (Heartache and Healing) 07/07/13 07/07 by Healing Through Hurt | Blog Talk Radio

Sunday Morning Meditation (Heartache and Healing) 07/07/13 07/07 by Healing Through Hurt | Blog Talk Radio

The third and final part of the new "Relationship Recovery Series"
Now we come to the "Choice" the affair is a part of your History; will you bring it into your present or bring the lesson learned and move on?
This weeks inspiration:

Hebrews 13:4

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
have your ordered your copy of

Going to court with a sociopath! (child custody battles)

10 tactics for child custody battles with sociopaths

Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's the 1:30pm Check-in for July 6, 2013 HELLO WORLD!

Spotlights on:
@< Brazil >@ and @< Niota, TN >@

United States of America
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia
New Zealand
Trinidad and Tobago

Baltimore, MD
Eatonton, GA
Milledgeville, GA
Washington, DC
Austin, TX
New York, NY
Atlanta, GA
Toronto, ON, Canada
Brandon, MS
West Palm Beach, FL
Phoenix, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ
Portland, OR
Raleigh, NC
Jackson, MS
Miami, FL
London, England, United Kingdom
Randallstown, MD
Madisonville, TN
Niota, TN

English (US)
English (UK)
French (France)
French (Canada)
Portuguese (Portugal)
Leet Speak
Spanish (Spain)

Please take time to read the Quote of the day from Michael Jordan, it says a lot!

"I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

Michael Jordan

Do you Understand the point?

Friday, July 5, 2013

Make sure the DREAMS you are chasing are worth becoming REALITY!

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today: 07/05/2013

There are some people you can have in your dreams O N L Y!

If they consider you a nightmare you need to  

Make the DREAMS that will make you HAPPY your new REALITY!

Maria W.

It's the 9:30pm Check-in for July 4, 2013 HELLO WORLD

HTH touching the WORLD one City and Country at a time! 

Spotlights on:
@< Pakistan >@ and @<West Palm Beach, FL >@

United States of America
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia
Trinidad and Tobago
New Zealand
United Arab Emirates

Baltimore, MD
Eatonton, GA
Philadelphia, PA
Washington, DC
Atlanta, GA
Milledgeville, GA
New York, NY
San Diego, CA
Austin, TX
Randallstown, MD
Brandon, MS
Phoenix, AZ
Toronto, ON, Canada
Owings Mills, MD
Columbia, MD
Jackson, MS
Nashville, TN
Scottsdale, AZ
Pikesville, MD
West Palm Beach, FL

English (US)
English (UK)
French (France)
French (Canada)
Leet Speak
Simplified Chinese (China)
Portuguese (Portugal)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today: 07/04/2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today: 07/04/2013 Options and Conveniences, which one are you? Why I believe that being a convenience is worse than being an option Many people use the word option and convenience interchangeably but I feel there is a remarkable difference. You see an option makes you one of many; a person will come into your life for a hour, day or weekend then they are gone. Those who view themselves as options either realize they are not the only one and do not care or they have put the thought out of their heads and keep moving on until they are chosen again.

 A convenience is a person who is so obsessed with that one person who comes into their lives when it suits their personal agenda, they sit and wait for a return visit. This type of individual does not live they simply exist being fed by the fact that one day/someday their one true obsession because they are not a love will return. Options have low self esteem and conveniences have no self esteem or self worth. Years ago the threat was the women who view themselves as available options but a new and more dangerous threat is out here. The convenience does not care all they know is the fact they received some much needed attention from someone who is there to get what they want then leave until they want whatever it is the convenience will provide again. A convenience fixates on that one person and will do whatever it takes to get the attention of their object of desire.

 To make a long story short, there is a new whore in town so ladies and gentlemen come down off of your me first, give me mine and I do not give in return horse because the convenience is lurking in the shadows, they are neighbors, family, friends, co workers and congregation members!

 Re-new and reinforce your relationships; the convenience will rock and sink your relation-SHIP! NEVER SAY YOU WERE NOT MADE AWARE! RE-new, Repair and reinforce your relation-SHIPS! The Convenience is probably plotting right now as you read these words!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for 07/03/2013

My Two Cents of Cerebral for today: 07/03/2013 I wonder how many people will ignore this one and stay in their worlds of self pity and depression! SMH OR run into the arms of the first person they see thinking that would erase the heartache and pain. The So called RE-BOUND affair is never a good choice! Some people prey upon those who they know are hurting and in need of personal validation and love again. Do not be fooled by that bandage called REVENGE or REBOUND Sex! Many things hurt before they heal BUT everything will HEAL with TIME! It took me 3 years before I made the decision to take that leap of faith and attempt to find love again! Thirty days after I met someone special I am determined to ride this until the wheels fall off; if they do I will shop for and buy a new bike! I will not allow my past to sabotage my future! Peace and Light, Maria

The Foundation Daily for 07/03/2013

DO not make the MISTAKE of focusing on MISTAKES!

Good Morning SUNshines welcome to our WEdnesday Morning Motivational Thought: DO not make the "MISTAKE" of focusing on your partners "MISTAKES" only, without taking notes of your own. Enjoy the similarities and work together to compromise on your differences! Peace and Light, Maria