Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Willful vs Malicious Intentions

The GRIND and SHINE for today: 08/24/2016 2:58am
Being Intentional

The abbreviated meaning of doing something intentional is to do something deliberate or on purpose. WE can learn a lot from watching others around us or from those who we interact with on a daily basis.

Many of us know of one person at least who has done something with malicious intent; to cause harm. These are the type of people we need to weed from our lives. To do something with willful intent could be positive; you should have willful intentions to move on. Those who do things with malicious intent mean to cause harm in some way.

Know the difference; make your exit with the intention of moving on by walking away and never looking backward. When you know someone intends to cause you harm in some way and you stay, be prepared for what may be coming your way. Get the resources you need to make it through and survive the ordeal.

Our FOCUS for today: Make a willful intention to make a positive, healthy change in your life. Know the difference between willful and malicious intentions.

C. Maria Wall

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